Startup Movers Pvt. Ltd.

Established in 2014, Startup Movers provides accounting and finance services. From incorporating a company to helping founders with fundraising and compliance, Startup Movers has created a niche for themselves as being a one-stop-shop for startup founders. 


Rebranding, Brand Strategy, Social Media Strategy & LinkedIn Page Management



The Problem

After being in business for almost a decade, they have created a solid foundation within the startup community. However, while the business fundamentals are firm, their brand was almost absent and it was the founders’ reputations rather than the brand story that attracted audiences, clearly not a sustainable strategy for growth. 

The Solution

We deployed a strategic approach that began with the discovery and analysis phase to get to the brand truth. This resulted in a brand refresh complete with a defined brand architecture, a verbal system with clear positioning, and a design system that resonated with the desired audience. Once the new brand was developed and launched, we then took to managing the company's LinkedIn page to build the brand story and establish the core positioning with ongoing social media activity. 

The Result

A brand refresh complete with a defined brand architecture, a verbal system with clear positioning, and a design system that resonated with the desired audience. 

Once the new brand was developed and launched, we then took to managing the company's LinkedIn page to build the brand story and establish the core positioning with ongoing social media activity.

Linkedin Page Key Metrics (Organic Activity)


Average Monthly Impressions


Average Monthly Follower Growth


Average Monthly engagement rate

Our Process


From the founding team to the department heads, in-depth interviews gave us an internal POV.


20+ in-depth interviews with startup founders across stages of growth to understand current brand perception, resulting in actionable insights for brand and business. 

Brand Strategy Session

Analyzing, evaluating and validating findings, decoding and aligning on rationale, purpose and desired direction.

Customer Personas

Developing detailed profiles of the types of people they want to be relevant to.

Mission statement

Defining the purpose.

Vision statement

Establishing the big dream.

Company Values

Documenting their beliefs and core philosophies.

Brand Personality

Describing their characteristic traits.

Tone & Voice

Creating rules for how they sound and when they do so.

Value proposition

Crafting a value proposition based on the core customer profiles.

Brand Pillars

Establishing the core communication pillars that will resonate with the relevant audience.

Positioning Statement

A statement that establishes the space they want to occupy in the minds of their audience.


With an understanding of what makes the customer tick, a tagline was crafted to evoke the desired emotions.

Elevator Pitch

Based on who they are and the desired connection with their customers, a short pitch statement was crafted.


A detailed description of the brand was created for use across communication touchpoints.

Logo Design

Crafting a distinct and meaningful visual symbol that effectively represents the brand's identity, values, and core message.

Color Theory

Selecting a cohesive set of colours that effectively communicate the brand's identity, values, and emotional appeal.

Design Language

Developing a collection of visual elements, style guidelines, and principles that define the brand's overall aesthetic across touch points.

Brand Bible

Encapsulating the visual, verbal, and strategic elements of a brand's identity in one comprehensive style guide and brand manual.

Logo Construction

Starting with 3 unique concepts, each that encapsulates the essence of the Brand Architecture, a final form was developed and refined.
By laying the letters "S" & "M" side by side, we are able to see the forward movement and upward arrow emerge in a charming but edgy manner. The forward movement is more ‘action’ oriented and sharper, symobilc of fast action and upward momentum. The final form is bold, simple and effective.
The journey the lines take are indicative of the dynamic ups and downs the typical startup journey has, of which we are always a part.
The final form mimics the shape of a mountain, a metaphor for the summits we help our customers scale.
A closer look reveals the ‘S’ & ‘M’ within.
Selected Route
This option began with the exploration of two elements, startups and the fact that communities are at the heart of startups. The two elements, ‘S’ and the ‘heart’ were then fused together to explore a unique shape that evokes a sense of curiosity and makes use of negative space. A closer look reveals the hidden ‘M within. The final form is inviting and intriguing.
This option evaluated the two letters ‘S’ and ‘M’ and the interconnectedness of the coils of a spring along with the sense of propulsion. The fluid lines make for a metaphorical path, often full of twists and turns that we walk with our customers. The final form is modern yet premium.

Linkedin Page Management

Content Strategy
Establishing the core content pillars, metrics and other relevant lenses required to drive the social media strategy.
Content Calendar
Developing the annual roadmap and monthly content calendar that resonates with the target audience.
Social Media Management
Weekly publishing and distribution on the Company's LinkedIn page to drive engagement and follower growth.
Analysis & Reporting
Monthly analysis and reporting to Identify learnings, insights, and gaps then iterate and improve.

Branding is the art of differentiation.

Let's make yours.

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