
In today’s stress-ridden world, we’re all dealing with various anxieties, insecurities, and endless worries on a daily basis. As a result, we aren’t sleeping very well. Various studies have shown a direct link between mental and physiological health, and a good night's rest. And the SleepCast is a way of helping the listener achieve that. We wrote a few stories for this podcast which were then turned into 15-minute episodes, each of which delved into themes of gratitude, joy, contentment, patience, wonder, and compassion. 


Story Writing


Episode 2
The Steep Slope
This is a tale of Vir. A lawyer who lives in Mumbai. Someone whose name means brave, but he, just like all of us, has his fair share of insecurities and apprehensions. After many months of being cooped up indoors, Vir finds himself back in the quaint hill station of Dalhousie. A place where his ancestors lived and a place though, as far removed from Mumbai, is a place he likes to think of as home. One that’s synonymous with his happiest memories and deepest joys. One evening, he finds himself making his way up to the town square where he encounters his childhood nemesis, a steep slope.
Episode 7
Meeting Moti
This is the story of Vivaan, a 26-year-old graphic designer who lives in New Delhi but tries to escape from the city for short getaways as often as he can. This time around he finds himself in the mountains of Himachal Pradesh in the tiny little village of Dharamkot. Being an early-riser means he’s awake and out of bed at the crack of dawn. And that’s when he decides to go for a short hike to soak in the morning in all its glory before beginning the busy workday that lies ahead of him. While hiking up a trail that piques his interest, he encounters a beautiful mountain dog who also seems to be following the same trail and there begins the journey of them doing the hike together, in silence and oneness.
Episode 8
Mary and the Master Potter
Mary, a little girl, all of 6 years old, has come to the quaint city of Puducherry on holiday with her parents. On the first afternoon, her parents find a picturesque promenade full of local delicacies, to rest and eat. Mary comes across a master potter's charming old store. The master potter proceeds to meticulously craft Mary her very own handmade deer.
Episode 15
Viraj and the Winding City Streets
Viraj, an imaginative young boy of seven has just spent the evening at his uncle’s house, enjoying his birthday. A beaming Viraj has stacked all his gifts into his parent's car and waved the hosts goodbye. As the long drive home starts, Viraj sinks into the backseat, resting his head near the window, slipping into a daze. He stares out of the window with his imagination roaming free. He travels to the stars, dances with the light, and chants with the wind. He finally reaches home and is carried into his bed in the safe and loving arms of his mother.
Episode 48
Warm fire place on a snowy afternoon
This is a tale about Shiva, a 10-year old boy who happens to be spending the wintery month of December with his grandparents, while his parents are out travelling on work. Shiva always looks forward to spending time with his Nana and Nani in their beautiful log cabin perched atop the magnificent mountains of Uttarakhand. And this evening is going to be especially memorable. After all, he’s going to spend the afternoon watching one of his most favourite and fascinating things - the fireplace. How it begins with a mere spark and slowly but surely grows into a beautiful sizzling fire that has a mind of its own. A fire that not only dances with delight but also gives Shiva and his Nana the warmth they need to enjoy the beautiful snowy afternoon that lies ahead of them. An afternoon full of joy, warmth and wonder.
Episode 50
Wendy and the Window Washer
Little Wendy, all of 6 years old, is visiting her uncle who lives in the big city, along with her mom and dad. Today is a particularly clear day and the bright afternoon sun pours into the palatial dining room, through the large, ceiling to floor windows. The family has just finished a hearty meal and Wendy’s parents decide an afternoon nap is in order. They coax Wendy into following them, but just then, a sleepy Wendy's attention goes to a curious figure outside one of the large windows.

Great stories happen to those who can tell them.

Let's tell yours.

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