
A multifaceted organisation, Norinco provides holistic solutions to partners, customers and stakeholders alike. Established in 1942, Norinco has grown to service a range of business verticals such as Marine Equipment, Oceanographic Research & Equipment, Steel and Hydrogen.


Branding, LinkedIn



The Problem

A legacy of 80+ years has given Norinco a market-leading position in India. Expansion plans into global markets required the business to create a commanding brand presence online. The brand needed to showcase its legacy and build a convincing narrative for potential, future business partners.

The Solution

We zeroed in on LinkedIn as the platform on which to build Norinco’s story. Discovery sessions with the client gave rise to content pillars around which we developed the monthly content calendar. From in-depth, long-form case studies to crisp, contextual content, the Norinco brand story began to take shape. All of which was packaged in a clean and sharp design language that was created by us.

Our Process


From the business owner to various vertical heads, in-depth interviews gave us an internal POV.

Brand Strategy Session

Analysing, evaluating and validating findings, decoding and aligning on rationale, purpose and direction.

Customer Personas

Developing detailed profiles of the types of people they want to be relevant to for each of their verticals.

Mission statement

Defining the purpose.

Vision statement

Establishing the big dream.

Company Values

Documenting their beliefs and core philosophies.

Brand Personality

Describing their characteristic traits.

Tone & Voice

Creating rules for how they sound and when they do so.

Value proposition

Crafting a value proposition based on the core customer profiles.

Brand Pillars

Establishing the core communication pillars that will resonate with the relevant audience.

Colour Theory

Selecting a cohesive set of colours that effectively communicate the brand's identity, values, and emotional appeal to its target audience.

Design Language

A collection of visual elements, style guidelines, and design principles that define the overall appearance and aesthetic of a product/brand.

The Result

The world in which Norinco operated was very vast (the ocean). So we used colours that were reminiscent of the ocean and kept things abstract to match its vastness. While also keeping it visually literate enough for people to grasp. We also aimed to refresh their old-world aesthetic with a generous dollop of modernism. Which was in line with the second generation that had taken over the business.

Content Pillars

After conducting brand discovery and strategy sessions with the business owner and all the vertical heads, we analysed and validated all our findings and distilled them into five primary content pillars. All of which encompassed all things Norinco.
Company updates
People of Norinco
OEM Partner Spotlight
Products & Services

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