Meal of the Moment (M.O.M)

Established in early 2017, Meal of the moment began as a brand serving up ‘home-cooked’ style ready-to-eat meals. Over the next few years they expanded their product line to include health snacks and beverages.


Branding, Website, Photoshoot, Video Shoot



The Problem

Multiple brand custodians and an expanding product line over the years had created a mish-mash of the brand identity, leaving the brand’s presence fragmented and confusing.

The Solution

Months of on-ground research, customer interviews, retailer visits and in-house intelligence gathering created the foundation. On this, we developed the brand architecture, revamped the entire visual system and crafted a crisp brand positioning, giving the brand a complete refresh.

The Result

While awareness of the brand name existed, the association with a ‘mother's touch’ was absent.
The client wanted their customers to feel the love they put into their food.

Our Process


From the CXOs to the on-ground sales team, in-depth interviews gave us an internal POV.

External - Retailers

30+ interviews with retail outlet owners allowed the internal hypothesis to be tested, validated or evolved.

External - Customers

30+ customer interviews to understand current brand perception, resulting in actionable insights for the brand and business.

Brand Strategy Session

Analyzing, evaluating and validating findings, decoding and aligning on rationale, purpose and direction.

Customer Personas

Developing detailed profiles of the types of people they want to be relevant to.

Mission statement

Defining the purpose.

Vision statement

Establishing the big dream.

Company Values

Documenting their beliefs and core philosophies.

Brand Personality

Describing their characteristic traits.

Tone & Voice

Creating rules for how they sound and when they do so.

Value proposition

Crafting a value proposition based on the core customer profiles.

Brand Pillars

Establishing the core communication pillars that will resonate with the audience.

Positioning Statement

A statement that establishes the space they want to occupy in the minds of their audience.


With an understanding of what makes the customer tick, a tagline was crafted to evoke the desired emotions.

Elevator Pitch

Based on who they are and the desired connection with their customers, a short pitch statement was crafted.


A detailed description of the brand was created for use across communication touchpoints.

Colour Theory

Developing a palette that effectively communicates the brand's identity, values, and emotional appeal.

Art Direction

Collaborating with the photographer and video teams to bring the visual direction alive through photo and film.

Design Language

Creating a collection of visual elements, style guidelines, and principles that define the brand's overall aesthetic across touch points.

Brand Bible

Encapsulating the visual, verbal, and strategic elements of a brand's identity in one comprehensive style guide and brand manual.

Color Palette

A major restriction (yet a creative challenge) was that packaging couldn’t change. With that as our guiding light, we worked backwards to develop a customised palette.

Art Direction & Photoshoot

Our entire approach was colour-on-colour. Picking a single colour from our palette and using it consistently throughout the shot.

Design Language

We applied our newly created Rainbow Palette (which drew inspiration from their packaging) to various visual elements such as colour, typography and imagery. 


We brought the new brand positioning and colour palette to life on this big seller platform.


We gave their website a much-needed upgrade by bringing their new aesthetic to the fore.

Brand Assets

We effectively integrated our new colour palette, brand positioning and design language to create offline posters, brochures, in-store units, digital ads and sales rep merchandise. This cohesive approach strengthened our brand identity and resonated with our target audience, demonstrating the impact of a unified visual language.

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