McCoy Mart

The newest addition to the McCoy Group of Companies, McCoy Mart serves construction professionals for all their business needs across the value chain.


Branding, Identity, Collateral



The Problem

McCoy Mart was launched to digitise the entire construction ecosystem and be instrumental in organising the otherwise unorganised construction market. This bold idea needed a brand identity that carried the legacy of the group company, yet incorporated their new-age avatar.

The Solution

Months of on-ground research, customer interviews, mystery shopping and in-house intelligence gathering created a robust foundation. On top of which we developed the brand architecture and revamped the entire visual system (which included a new visual identity).

The Result

A robust identity that aids the brand effectively represents its values and core message.

Our Process


From CXOs to the on-ground sales team, in-depth interviews across the chain of command gave us a holistic internal POV.


Conducted 40+ customer interviews to understand current brand perception, resulting in actionable insights for the brand and business.

Competitor Analysis

Followed a strategic process of evaluating rival businesses to identify their strengths, weaknesses, and strategies. Highlighted opportunities for the client to capitalize on.

Brand Strategy Session

Analysing, evaluating and validating findings, decoding and aligning on rationale, purpose, and direction finalisation.

Customer Personas

Developing detailed profiles of the types of people they want to be relevant to.

Mission statement

Defining the purpose.

Vision statement

Establishing the big dream.

Company Values

Documenting their beliefs and core philosophies.

Brand Personality

Describing their characteristic traits.

Tone & Voice

Creating rules for how they sound and when they do so.

Value proposition

Crafting a value proposition based on the core customer profiles.

Brand Pillars

Establishing the core communication pillars that will resonate with the relevant audience.

Positioning Statement

A statement that establishes the space they want to occupy in the minds of their audience.


With an understanding of what makes the customer tick, a tagline was crafted to evoke the desired emotions.

Elevator Pitch

Based on who they are and the desired connection with their customers, a short pitch statement was crafted.


A detailed description of the brand was created for use across communication touchpoints.

Logo Design

Crafting a distinct and meaningful visual symbol that effectively represents the brand's identity, values, and core message.

Color Theory

Selecting a cohesive set of colours that effectively communicate the brand's identity, values, and emotional appeal.

Design Language

Developing a collection of visual elements, style guidelines, and principles that define the brand's overall aesthetic across touch points.

Brand Bible

Encapsulating the visual, verbal, and strategic elements of a brand's identity in one comprehensive style guide and brand manual.

Logo Construction

Here, we explored four routes and created preliminary sketches based on the brand architecture.
McCoy Mart’s mission is to empower construction professionals and be a strong support system for their customers. This route explored what that might look like visually. With “Building Strong” at its core.
A circle is a complete shape often associated with an ecosystem. Something that McCoy Mart set out to create. This ecosystem combined with forward momentum, visually depicted the positive impact they wanted to bring about in the construction industry.
Selected Route
Built on a solid foundation, this option evokes a feeling of being stable and grounded. The two shades explored in the final shape reveal a perspective from the top, which, when looked at closely, reveals the hidden ‘M’ within.
In this approach, we began with a staircase - something that represents upward movement along with being an obvious fit for the construction industry. The addition of the circle completes the visual symmetry and also represents “balance”, on which the entire foundation rests.

Logo Usage

A set of do’s and don'ts that ensure the sanctity of the logo is always maintained across various use cases.

Design Language

Our newly created design language aimed to be more modern, clean, and minimal. But most importantly, it aimed to be more technology-focused and give the brand a premium feel. 

Brand Assets

We then applied all of the above to create tangible and intangible assets that accurately represented the visual identity of the brand. 

Branding is the art of differentiation.

Let's make yours.

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